It is simply amazing how the time seems to run away from you. So much so that it just seems natural for me to be here in Copenhagen.
Well to catch up from where I last left off. Sunday the 29th of August my dad and I made the journey out to Drejervej to go to the Copenhagen Christian Center. Since it was the last Sunday of the month it was a Super Sunday, meaning that all of the five international churches come together to worship together.
After the service I met a girl named Jessie. She has been living in Copenhagen for almost seven years now and she is originally from the US. It was such a blessing to connect with someone my age who knows the city and other youngsters!
Siv's Home for Tea and Coffee |
That afternoon my dad, Rachel, and I were invited to Siv's house. Siv is a woman who will be doing a Novo Nordisk work exchange in Seattle. We had a lovely chat about bicycle purchase, the different working hours of the chemists and the technicians, and other Copenhagen/Seattle fun facts.
On Monday August 30th I was picked up by Anja and we went to my bank appointment. It was a quick and easy stop getting my bank account all set up. I spent the later part of that day relaxing and reorganizing things at my apartment.
Then that evening my dad's friend Esper invited us out for dinner, and it was so delicious. Especially the dessert :)
I am constantly amazed at all of the kindness I have received here in Copenhagen. It is nice to know so many helpful people. I hope that I can one day return this kindness to them or perhaps pass it on to someone else.
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My Bicycle! |
Tuesday was the last day off before work began. Time to purchase a bicycle!
To be my own person (meaning I went against what my father would have done) I decided to get a sit up style bicycle. The basket and back carrier were included!
We actually had to go back to the Kvickly (the store where I purchased the bike) to get the ring lock. The ring lock is a smart little lock that is attached to the bike and then locks through the rear wheel. You also take down the numbers incase you happen to have your ride stolen.
But I also brought my U-lock. Which with the ring lock should provide more than enough protection for my new mode of transportation.
After getting my bike it was time for a little lunch! So I made the sandwich you see above. It was delicious :)
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September first finally arrived! Shown below is my desk!
One of the adjustments that I have to make is getting used to using a Danish key board. The shift key on the left side is slightly smaller, which make for a stretch for my pinky finger! Also there are three extra letters in the Danish alphabet and are included on the key board. I have to remind myself that I need to reorient my hands when I am typing at work. But I am starting to get the hang of it!
This is where I work! |
I was introduced to all of the people in my department, and it was nice to already know a friendly face when I saw Rachel. We had a lovely chat over some bread with coffee and tea (I will be drinking a lot of tea this year as I still refuse to start the bad habit of coffee consumption).
Rachel was able to show me the backroads to walk from the train station to work. Shown above and below are some pictures that I took during on of the walks. I have started taking my bike to work which has saved me a lot of time. I bike from my apartment to Vanlose (where one of the train stations is located), hop on the train with my bike and ride it out to Malov (the closet train station to Novo). Then I take my bike off and have a short 10 minute bike ride to the Novo site.
I love how the windows open here! |
The Danish Flag |
Kind Regards!
Miss you friend! Looking at all your beautiful photos on your blog this morning since I got off work. And I just bought a new schwinn bicycle so someday we must go riding together! xoxo